Free Fusion Training with Purchase!!

Free Fusion Training with Purchase!!

February 17, 2012 News Production, Post Production 0

Eyeon has introduced a great new training initiative to expand upon their SWAT program. They are now offering FREE training to anyone who purchases their products. Obviously, a minimum order will be required, depending on the location and time necessary to train, however this offer is unprecedented by any other vendor. They will go so far as to guarantee their product use and experience – if they are not fully satisfied that training has worked for them, they will refund the purchase of the software.

Additionally they offer a free 30 day license download. They offer this trial, unrestricted, on all eyeon products. Evaluation product requests are available here.
Teamview remote desktop sessions are also available, at no charge, to aid the customers in making the best use of their software trial.  This is a great sales tactic so be sure to put it to good use!
H AMY διανέμει και υποστηρίζει τα προϊόντα της Eyeon  στην ελληνική αγορά. Eίμαστε στη διάθεσή σας για να σας δώσουμε τις προτάσεις μας σε οτιδήποτε αφορά στα προϊόντα και τις λύσεις που μπορεί να προσφέρει η συγκεκριμένη εταιρεία.Eyeon has introduced a great new training initiative to expand upon their SWAT program. Theu are now offering FREE training to anyone who purchases their products. Obviously, a minimum order will be required, depending on the location and time necessary to train, however this offer is unprecedented by any other vendor. They will go so far as to guarantee their product use and experience – if they are not fully satisfied that training has worked for them, they will refund the purchase of the software.

Additionally they offer a free 30 day license download. They offer this trial, unrestricted, on all eyeon products. Evaluation product requests are available here.
Teamview remote desktop sessions are also available, at no charge, to aid the customers in making the best use of their software trial.  This is a great sales tactic so be sure to put it to good use!


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