Swift. The quick and easy route to high-end broadcast graphics


Swift. The quick and easy route to high-end broadcast graphics

July 6, 2020 Broadcast & Playout 0


To Swift της RT Software παράγει broadcast graphics ψηλής ποιότητας αλλά παρεμένει απλό και κατανοητό στη χρήση ώστε οι σχεδιαστές να νιώθουν κατευθείαν άνετα και δημιυργικά.  Φτιάξτε ροές εργασίας για ταχύτητα και ευκολία χρήσης απολαμβάνοντας συμβατότητα με τα αγαπημένα σας λογισμικά design.  Και όλα αυτά σε πολύ προσιτό κόστος. 

Μόλις φτιαχτεί ένα γραφικό στο Swift μπορεί να κυκλοφορήσει παντού στην αλυσίδα broadcast για χρήση σε ζωντανά ή μοντάζ, ανάλογα τις ανάγκες.

  • Σε παραδοσιακό on screen live to air τόσο SDI, IP ή και σε virtualized υποδομές.
  • Live graphics σε όλα τα γνωστά playout συστήματα.
  • Στην timeline όλων των συστημάτων μοντάζ.
  • Για live graphics σε production switchers.

Είναι εύκολο στην εκμάθηση αλλά ποτέ δεν κάνει συμβιβασμούς σε ποιότητα.  Φτιάξτε πολύπλοκα γραφικά και συνδυάστε τα με ζωντανά δεδομένα, κείμενα, ρολόγια, tickers/crawls, πίνακες ή και βίντεο. Το Swift είναι μια σύγχρονη πλατφόρμα on-air graphics που διασφαλίζει κορυφαίο τελικό αποτέλεσμα ακόμα κι αν δεν έχετε ιδιαίτερα εκπαιδευμένο προσωπικό.


Avada Admin

Ease of use

Swift’s intuitive GUI makes it easy for users to see exactly what they are going to get to air with. No z axis and simple drag and drop functionality means creating broadcast graphics could not be easier.

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Builds graphics quickly

Swift isn’t just easy to use – it’s lightning fast. It has built-in tools such as duplicate and ticker nodes that dramatically speed up the creation of all the popular broadcast graphics.

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Powerful graphic creation

Whilst easy to use, Swift does not sacrifice graphic power. Graphics can consist of an unlimited amount of layers whether text, image or clip layers. Swift fulfills your graphic needs across playout, galleries, edit suites or in the truck.

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Fully featured animations

Swift does not need a 3D z-axis to create stunning animations as it features a full animation timeline, immediately familiar to anyone who has previously used animation or editing software.

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Data rich content

Completely automate graphic content at the template creation stage with easy data integration. Any graphic content field can be created to query a data source when going to air, or even whilst on air. There is support for all popular data sources.

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Flexible in use

Content for graphics is often data driven and automated but text fields, images and even video clips can also be set or replaced at the time of use. Swift users can choose what content is displayed right up to the last moment.

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Consistent graphics everywhere

Swift graphics can be used in many different broadcast areas. Naturally this includes our rendering systems for live to air graphics but also playout, newsroom, switcher and NLE products.

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Fully featured audio support

With 16 mixable audio channels available plus support for audio pass-through channel audio and sound effects can be designed and controlled within the template and output as composite audio as the template goes to air.

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Investment protection

Swift is upgradeable, at no cost penalty, to Edit-3d. You will even be able to run existing Swift graphics. So if you need to start designing virtual sets , your investment in Swift and RT Software is safe.


Swift creates broadcast graphics of the highest quality, yet behind it is a simple and intuitive creation tool that designers will feel at home with straight away. Swift delivers lightning fast workflows, is easy to use, offers compatibility with your favourite design tools and is extremely cost effective.

Once created, Swift’s graphics can be distributed across the broadcast chain to be used live or in edits wherever needed. This includes:

  • Traditional on screen live to air graphics in both SDI, IP and virtualised infrastructures.
  • Live graphics in leading playout solutions.
  • On the timeline in leading NLE’s.
  • Adding live graphics to production switchers.

It is easy to master and with no compromise on quality. Create sophisticated, high quality graphics combined with powerful data capabilities.  Suitable for all broadcast graphics such as text, clocks, tickers/crawls, tables and video/clip handling. Crucially, Swift is a modern on-air graphics platform that is easy to learn even when there are no in-depth graphics skills in the team.




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