Στη φετινή IBC, περίπτερο #7.D31 η HS-ART θα παρουσιάσει τις λύσεις της για αποκατάσταση φιλμ & βίντεο και χρωματισμό φιλμ .
Θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να δείτε από κοντά το νέο DIAMANT-Film COLORIZER και το DIAMANT-Film Restoration SUITE.
Map it on the floorplan.
The DIAMANT-Film Restoration SUITE V16 Preview
The V16 preview will be shown at IBC.
- DFlicker NoRef: New temporal averaging reference free de-flicker
- MaskTrack:
- Allows to create and edit masks/mattes with different tools and filters
- Allows to use those masks/mattes as ROIs in DIAMANT filters
- New DeepInpaintV2 filter: AI based inpainter to treat static camera hairs
- ROIs: Added rotation to most ROIs
- ChromaFixer: Video filter to repair analogue chroma issues, based on AI technology
- New ChannelMixer in ChannelMapper filter to treat dye-fading
- MAC OS: Most filters&tools on Apple Silicon are now the same as those in the Windows version
DIAMANT-Film Colorizer
The DIAMANT-Film COLORIZER is based on a series of innovations including a lot of AI technology to allow precise colorization of black and white film and video with full control over the colors. Please see our COLORIZER webpage for more information.
- Improved Colorize Mask Filter
- New Colorize External Mask Filter
- Allows to use external masks to colorize objects
- ChromaFixer filter supports color transfer from additional source
- Improved Colorize Paint tool & filter
- New Colorize Transition filter to propagate color between 2 reference frames and handle transitions
- Improved Masks and Matte handling
- Exporting matte
- Importing external matte
- Protection matte
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