Blackmagic Video Assist – High resolution, large monitor for perfect focus and framing!
Τώρα είναι εύκολο να προσθέσετε την επαγγελματική παρακολούθηση και καταγραφή στην φωτογραφική μηχανή σας με το Blackmagic video assist! Με μια λαμπρη 5 ιντσών υψηλής ανάλυσης 1920 x 1080 οθόνη, το Blackmagic Video Assist μπορεί να προστεθεί σε οποιαδήποτε φωτογραφική μηχανή για να εξασφαλίσετε την τέλεια εστίαση καδράρισμα. Η ενσωματωμένη συσκευή εγγραφής χρησιμοποιεί κάρτες SD υψηλής ταχύτητας για την καταγραφή επαγγελματικών ProRes και τα αρχεία DNxHD με απίστευτη ποιότητα και βάθος χρώματος 10 bit! Blackmagic video assist έργα με οποιαδήποτε φωτογραφική μηχανή, όπου θα πρέπει να έχετε την καλύτερη παρακολούθηση και πιο επαγγελματική ηχογράφηση αρχείου υψηλής ποιότητας.
Shoot Better Video
Δείτε και συλλάβετε κάθε λεπτομέρεια με εμπιστοσύνη!
Είτε πρόκειται για ένα γάμο, μια ανεξάρτητη ταινία , ή μια διαφήμιση, θα πρέπει να βεβαιωθείτε ότι οι εικόνες σας είναι απόλυτα ευκρινείς και να συλάβετε την υψηλότερη δυνατή ποιότητα , δεν έχει σημασία τι είδους κάμερα χρησιμοποιείτε. Η Blackmagic video assist λειτουργεί με τα πάντα, από την DSLR και τις βιντεοκάμερες, ακόμα και τις πιο πρόσφατες ψηφιακές φωτογραφικές μηχανές φιλμ . Όταν τραβάτε έναν γάμο, δεν υπάρχει μόνο μία ευκαιρία για να πάρει το σωστό και αν είστε ένας ανεξάρτητος κινηματογραφιστής , θέλετε η ταινία σας να φαίνονται τόσο καλή όσο μια ταινία του Χόλιγουντ , όταν προβάλλεται σε φεστιβάλ. Η Blackmagic Βίντεο Assist σας βοηθά να βεβαιωθείτε ότι κάθε πλάνο είναι στο επίκεντρο και σας δίνει επαγγελματικές φωτογραφίες με την ποιότητα που χρησιμοποιείται από μεγάλες κινηματογραφικές ταινίες και γνωστές τηλεοπτικές εκπομπές!
Professional HD Recorder
10-bit 4:2:2 ProRes and DNxHD recording
Η Blackmagic video assist καταγραφει αρχεία βίντεο σε ποιότητα 10 -bit 4 : 2 : 2 , που σημαίνει ότι μπορείτε να πάρετε απίστευτο χρώμα , σαφήνεια και λεπτομέρεια . Τα αρχεία καταγράφονται σε γρήγορο, φθηνό και εύκολα διαθέσιμο φορμα κάρτας SD και ως πρότυπο ProRes HQ ή DNxHD ώστε να μπορείτε να ξεκινήσετε την επεξεργασία αμέσως χωρίς να χρειάζεται να μετατρέψετε τα αρχεία . Η εγγραφή ενεργοποιείται αυτόματα στο Blackmagic βίντεο Assist χρησιμοποιώντας start/ stop απο την βιντεοκάμερα σας , ώστε να μπορείτε να να εστιάζεται στη φωτογράφηση , χωρίς να χρειάζεται να ανησυχείτε για τη λειτουργία πρόσθετων εργαλείων !
Better Monitoring
Φωτεινή και ευδιάκριτη οθόνη HD
Η Blackmagic Βίντεο Assist έχει μαι φωτεινή 5 ιντσών 1920 x 1080 οθόνη υψηλής ανάλυσης , ώστε να μην χρειάζεται να μεταφέρετε επιπλέον σετ για οθόνες και τα λοιπά. Μπορείτε να το τοποθετήσετε σε κάμερες ως μια μεγάλη οθόνη για τους τεχνικούς , να την παραδώσουν στο κινηματογραφιστή για το στήσιμο της σκηνής, ή να το θέσετε μπροστά από το σκηνοθέτη να επανεξετάζει καθε σκηνή. Η οθόνη έχει μια ευρεία γωνία θέασης 135 ° , το οποίο σημαίνει ότι είναι εύκολο να δει κανείς , ακόμα κι όταν παρακολουθούν πολλοί ταυτόχρονα. Επιπλέον, η αυτόματη εικόνα περιστρέφεται έτσι δεν έχει σημασία πώς θα την στηρίξεται και απο που θα έρχονται τα καλώδια. Μπορείτε να δείτε οποιαδήποτε μορφή SD ή HD και , δεδομένου ότι περιλαμβάνει μια σύνδεση 6G – SDI , μπορείτε να παρακολουθείτε ακόμη και Ultra HD !
Easy Touchscreen Controls
Κάντε αλλαγές με απλές κινήσεις των δακτύλων σας!
Η ενσωματωμένη οθόνη είναι επίσης μια διαδραστική οθόνη αφής που κάνει τη λειτουργία της Blackmagic video assist απίστευτα έξυπνη. Όλες οι λειτουργίες είναι στα χέρια σας, επιτρέποντάς σας να χρησιμοποιείτε απλές χειρονομίες για να εμφανίσετε τις πληροφορίες της κάμερας , να αλλάξετε τις ρυθμίσεις και να αξιολογήσετε τα επίπεδα ήχου και βίντεο . Διαθέτει επίσης μια ημι διαφανή επικάλυψη για να ξεχωρίσουν οι ρυθμίσεις χωρίς να διακοπεί η εικόνα για να δείτε τον τρέχον ρυθμό καρέ εισόδου , ??ιστόγραμμα , μετρητές ήχου , timecode , και πολλά άλλα, όλα διατηρώντας ακόμα τα μάτια σας επάνω στην σκηνή !
Portable All-In-One Design
Ολοκληρωμένη λύση monitoring και recording!
Σχεδιασμένο για να είναι ανθεκτικό και ελαφρύ, to Video Assist είναι απίστευτα μικρό αλλά εξακολουθεί να ενσωματώνει μια φωτεινό 5 ιντσών 1920 x 1080 οθόνη LCD και αφής . Περιλαμβάνει ενσωματωμένο υψηλής ταχύτητας εγγραφέα σε SD και χώρο για δύο επαναφορτιζόμενες μπαταρίες οι οποίες είναι hot swappable , ώστε να έχετε πάντα μια μπαταρία για να κρατήσει την παραγωγή στον αέρα! Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τα σημεία στήριξης για να το συνδέσετε πάνω απο μια φωτογραφική μηχανή ή να χρησιμοποιήστε το ενσωματωμένο stand για να σταθεί σε ένα τραπέζι. Είναι ακόμα ευκολο να το κρατάτε στα χέρια σας , έτσι μπορείτε να το περάσετε γύρω στην ομάδα παραγωγής, επιτρέποντας ώστε όλοι να δούν την σκηνή!
Video, Audio and Power Connections
Connect to professional cameras, camcorders and DSLR’s 
The compact design of the Blackmagic Video Assist includes HDMI and 6G-SDI inputs so you can record from virtually any video camera or DSLR. The loop through output lets you monitor on larger HD broadcast displays or HDMI projectors. Audio can be monitored from the 3.5mm stereo headphone jack and for studio shoots, the 12V universal power supply gives you continuous operation. When you’re on location the two side by side LP-E6 battery slots let you go completely mobile and give you enough power for longer shoots!
High Speed SD Card
Low cost, high performance storage
The built in recorder uses SD memory cards which are even fast enough to capture and playback high frame rate 1080 HD video at 60 frames per second! That means you can use low cost removable media that’s less than $1 per GB. SD cards are readily available and allow you to record up to 3 hrs of 1080p24 ProRes HQ on a single 256GB card! By connecting the Blackmagic Video Assist to your existing camera, you can eliminate proprietary and expensive media such as XDCAM, P2 and SxS. SD cards can even be mounted directly on your computer, so you don’t have to deal with external card readers or docking units!
On-set monitoring, recording and playback!
The Blackmagic Video Assist is the perfect accessory for any camera because it gives you everything you need to properly frame, focus and capture your shots! Any production using a DVCPRO, HDCAM or even a brand new full frame DSLR camera will instantly benefit from the larger high resolution screen and can use it to record professional quality ProRes or DNxHD video with full 10 bit quality. If you’re using a true digital film camera, like the Blackmagic URSA, you can use the Video Assist to record HD while your camera simultaneously records RAW, allowing you to future proof every production and still quickly deliver incredible quality HD today.
DSLR Assist
Improve the quality of your DSLR shots!
The latest full frame DSLR cameras used with high quality photo lenses can shoot incredible stills but the quality of the video recorded is limited by the heavily compressed formats they use. The Blackmagic Video Assist takes HDMI directly out of your DSLR and bypasses the camera’s compression to record professional broadcast quality high definition video. The built in 5 inch LCD screen gives you a much larger monitor than the DSLR’s small Live View display so you can evaluate framing and focus with greater accuracy. The Blackmagic Video Assist will help you get the best possible quality from your DSLR!
HD Television Production
Update aging HD cameras with ProRes and DNxHD recording!
The Blackmagic Video Assist breathes new life into your aging HD production gear. All you have to do is mount it to your camera and connect it via SDI. Now your HDCAM, XDCAM or DVCPRO cameras can record full 10-bit quality to ProRes and DNxHD files that are optimized for post production. Because the Blackmagic Video Assist records to standard, off the shelf, readily available and inexpensive SD cards, you no longer have to use expensive HDCAM tapes or strange custom media such as P2 cards and XDCAM discs!
Portable Field Monitor
The monitor that’s perfect for the entire crew!
Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K
Add a monitor to your Micro Studio Camera
Turn your remote Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera into a full blown studio rig that you can operate manually simply by adding a Video Assist! You get a brilliant 5 inch HD touchscreen that camera operators can use as a viewfinder for checking focus and framing and to adjust your shot as needed. When used with the HDMI connection, you’ll also be able to see the camera’s interface on the touchscreen so you can change camera settings, monitor audio levels, see the histogram and more!
Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera
The fastest way to set up and check your action shots!
DIT Video Assist Cart
Take control of your digital imaging process
Digital Imaging Technicians often have to transport, operate and troubleshoot complex video assist systems that include multiple monitors, recorders and format converters. The Blackmagic Video Assist takes a complete DIT system and shrinks it down into a single, simple design that’s perfect for indie films, documentaries, solo videographers and other small crews. You get an on set monitor, a ProRes and DNxHD recorder and a playback VTR for reviewing shots. The SD cards can be cloned on set using DaVinci Resolve running on a laptop. You can even speed up post production by using Resolve to create looks live on set that can be later used during editing and color grading!
Camera Crew Monitor
Add a large camera viewfinder that everyone can see!
Production Field Recorder
Record 10-bit 4:2:2 high definition video!
With its incredible compact size, the Blackmagic Video Assist securely mounts on any Ultra HD camera and gives film, television and commercial productions a professional recorder that can capture video in the popular ProRes and DNxHD formats. You can simultaneously record full 10-bit 4:2:2 HD files on the Video Assist and capture full resolution 4K RAW digital negatives on your camera! Both sets of files will have perfectly matched timecode so you can finish your program using the HD files from the Video Assist and you still have the camera original RAW files for visual effects and color grading if needed.
Digital Signage and Conferences
Reliable HD playback at trade shows and retail stores
Every company needs a reliable way to playback video at trade shows or on digital signs. Highly compressed H.264 or MP4 web formats don’t look good when projected on large screens and digital signs. Video Assist uses high quality DNxHD and ProRes video formats so there’s no temporal compression and you get hours of broadcast quality HD video playback! Connections are simple and straightforward and the large buttons emulate traditional deck controls so they are easy to use.
The portable video recorder with built in HD on set monitor!
The Blackmagic Video Assist is jam packed with features in a small, lightweight package that can be connected to virtually any camera. The front features a 5 inch HD touchscreen, there are video connections and an SDHC card slot on the side, and space for 2 LP-E6 batteries on the back. The outer frame is made out of durable aluminum and features standard ¼” mount points on the top and bottom for attaching it to cameras and rigs. The Blackmagic Video Assist is completely self contained and made to be light weight so it’s easy to hold in your hands, sit on a table using the built in kick stand, or mounted to the camera.
Aluminium Metal Frame
Light weight, durable construction
The frame of the Blackmagic Video Assist is made from aircraft grade aluminum which means you get an incredibly sturdy metal that barely adds any weight to your camera. The aluminum is precision machined into the intricate shape needed to house the connections and touchscreen display. It’s also extremely strong, which makes it perfect for bracing the mounting points. You get a heavy duty metal that is comfortable enough to hold in your hand and still light enough to be mounted on even the smallest rig.
Large 5 Inch HD Monitor
Bright and vivid 1920 x 1080 display
Touchscreen Control
Modern and intuitive user interface
The built in display is also an incredibly intuitive and responsive capacitive touchscreen, which is used to configure and control the Video Assist. Swipe gestures make it simple and quick to show or hide settings for the capture resolution and format as well as brightness and contrast of the screen. Swipe in another direction and you’ll have access to transport controls, recording status, histogram, audio level, timecode, battery status, and more. Best of all, the controls are overlaid using a semi transparent heads up display, which allows you to always keep an eye on your shot!
Plug into cameras, projectors and more.
Video and audio are captured using 6G-SDI and HDMI 1.4, allowing you to record from almost every professional camera, camcorder and DSLR. Since the inputs loop through to the 6G-SDI and HDMI outputs you can simultaneously display the live video or recorded clips on larger screens like HD broadcast monitors or HDMI projectors. Audio is embedded in the output or you can also monitor audio using the 3.5mm stereo headphone jack.
Mounting Points
Attach to cameras, equipment carts or hang it anywhere
There are 6 mounting points located on the top and bottom of the Video Assist. Using the bottom ¼ inch holes, you can securely attach it to the top of your camera as the ultimate HD viewfinder! The three ¼” holes on top allow you to hang it from rigs and use it as a monitor for the entire crew. The standard sized mounting points make it easy to mount and are compatible with third party rigging equipment.
Uninterruptible Power
Plug it in or go mobile
The Blackmagic Video Assist includes a universal 110V – 240V power supply so you can use it anywhere. When connected to the 12V DC input you get continuous power or you can run it off of dual Canon compatible LP-E6 rechargeable batteries. Intelligent battery management will use the battery with less charge first, then immediately switch to the other battery without interrupting recording. When connected to AC power, the batteries can be charged in parallel while the Video Assist is still being used. That means you never have to turn the Video Assist monitor off while you’re on a shoot!
Now it’s easy to add professional monitoring and recording to your camera with the Blackmagic Video Assist! With a bright 5 inch high resolution 1920 x 1080 monitor, Blackmagic Video Assist can be added to any camera to ensure perfect focus and framing. The built in recorder uses high speed SD cards to record professional ProRes and DNxHD files with incredible quality and 10 bit color depth! Blackmagic Video Assist works with any camera where you need better monitoring and more professional high quality file recording.
Shoot Better Video
See and capture every detail with confidence!
Whether it’s a wedding, an indie film, or a television commercial, you need to make sure your images are perfectly sharp and captured at the highest possible quality, no matter what type of camera you use. The Blackmagic Video Assist works with everything from DSLR’s to older tape based camcorders, and even the latest digital film cameras. When you’re shooting a wedding, there’s only one chance to get it right and if you’re an indie filmmaker, you want your film to look as good as a Hollywood movie when projected at festivals. The Blackmagic Video Assist helps you make sure every shot is in focus and gives you professional images with the quality used by major motion pictures and prime time TV shows!
Professional HD Recorder
10-bit 4:2:2 ProRes and DNxHD recording
The Blackmagic Video Assist records your video at the highest 10-bit 4:2:2 quality, which means that you get incredible color, clarity and detail. Files are recorded on fast, inexpensive and readily available SD cards and saved as standard ProRes HQ or DNxHD files so you can start editing immediately without having to convert the files. Recording is automatically triggered on your Blackmagic Video Assist using your video camera’s start/stop button, so you can remain focused on getting the shot without having to worry about operating additional gear!
Better Monitoring
Super bright and clear HD display
The Blackmagic Video Assist has a bright 5 inch 1920 x 1080 high resolution display so you don’t have to carry extra on set monitors and scopes. You can mount it on cameras as a large monitor for the crew, hand it to the cinematographer for composing the shot, or set it in front of the director to review each take. The screen has a wide 135º viewing angle, which means it’s easy to see, even when several crew members are watching. Plus, the image auto rotates so no matter which way you set it up your cables always plug into the side you need them to. You can view any SD or HD format and, since it includes a 6G-SDI connection, you can even monitor Ultra HD!
Easy Touchscreen Controls
Use simple tap and swipe gestures to make adjustments!
The built in monitor is also an interactive touchscreen that makes setting up the Blackmagic Video Assist incredibly intuitive. All of the functions are at your fingertips allowing you to use simple swipe gestures to display camera information, change settings and evaluate audio and video levels. The elegant heads up display is a semi transparent overlay that let’s you change recording formats or view the current input frame rate, histogram, audio meters, timecode, and more, all while still keeping your eyes on the shot!
Portable All-In-One Design
Integrated on set monitoring and recording
Designed to be durable and light weight, Video Assist is incredibly small yet still incorporates a bright 5 inch 1920 x 1080 LCD monitor and touchscreen. It includes a built in high speed SD recorder and space for two rechargeable batteries which are hot swappable so you always have a battery to keep the shoot going. You can use the mounting points to attach it to the top of a camera or use the built in kick stand to set it up on a table. It’s even comfortable enough to hold in your hands so you can pass it around to crew members, letting everyone from the cinematographer to the boom operator see the shot!
Video, Audio and Power Connections
Connect to professional cameras, camcorders and DSLR’s
The compact design of the Blackmagic Video Assist includes HDMI and 6G-SDI inputs so you can record from virtually any video camera or DSLR. The loop through output lets you monitor on larger HD broadcast displays or HDMI projectors. Audio can be monitored from the 3.5mm stereo headphone jack and for studio shoots, the 12V universal power supply gives you continuous operation. When you’re on location the two side by side LP-E6 battery slots let you go completely mobile and give you enough power for longer shoots!
High Speed SD Card
Low cost, high performance storage
The built in recorder uses SD memory cards which are even fast enough to capture and playback high frame rate 1080 HD video at 60 frames per second! That means you can use low cost removable media that’s less than $1 per GB. SD cards are readily available and allow you to record up to 3 hrs of 1080p24 ProRes HQ on a single 256GB card! By connecting the Blackmagic Video Assist to your existing camera, you can eliminate proprietary and expensive media such as XDCAM, P2 and SxS. SD cards can even be mounted directly on your computer, so you don’t have to deal with external card readers or docking units!
On-set monitoring, recording and playback!
The Blackmagic Video Assist is the perfect accessory for any camera because it gives you everything you need to properly frame, focus and capture your shots! Any production using a DVCPRO, HDCAM or even a brand new full frame DSLR camera will instantly benefit from the larger high resolution screen and can use it to record professional quality ProRes or DNxHD video with full 10 bit quality. If you’re using a true digital film camera, like the Blackmagic URSA, you can use the Video Assist to record HD while your camera simultaneously records RAW, allowing you to future proof every production and still quickly deliver incredible quality HD today.
DSLR Assist
Improve the quality of your DSLR shots!
The latest full frame DSLR cameras used with high quality photo lenses can shoot incredible stills but the quality of the video recorded is limited by the heavily compressed formats they use. The Blackmagic Video Assist takes HDMI directly out of your DSLR and bypasses the camera’s compression to record professional broadcast quality high definition video. The built in 5 inch LCD screen gives you a much larger monitor than the DSLR’s small Live View display so you can evaluate framing and focus with greater accuracy. The Blackmagic Video Assist will help you get the best possible quality from your DSLR!
HD Television Production
Update aging HD cameras with ProRes and DNxHD recording!
The Blackmagic Video Assist breathes new life into your aging HD production gear. All you have to do is mount it to your camera and connect it via SDI. Now your HDCAM, XDCAM or DVCPRO cameras can record full 10-bit quality to ProRes and DNxHD files that are optimized for post production. Because the Blackmagic Video Assist records to standard, off the shelf, readily available and inexpensive SD cards, you no longer have to use expensive HDCAM tapes or strange custom media such as P2 cards and XDCAM discs!
Portable Field Monitor
The monitor that’s perfect for the entire crew!
Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K
Add a monitor to your Micro Studio Camera
Turn your remote Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera into a full blown studio rig that you can operate manually simply by adding a Video Assist! You get a brilliant 5 inch HD touchscreen that camera operators can use as a viewfinder for checking focus and framing and to adjust your shot as needed. When used with the HDMI connection, you’ll also be able to see the camera’s interface on the touchscreen so you can change camera settings, monitor audio levels, see the histogram and more!
Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera
The fastest way to set up and check your action shots!
DIT Video Assist Cart
Take control of your digital imaging process
Digital Imaging Technicians often have to transport, operate and troubleshoot complex video assist systems that include multiple monitors, recorders and format converters. The Blackmagic Video Assist takes a complete DIT system and shrinks it down into a single, simple design that’s perfect for indie films, documentaries, solo videographers and other small crews. You get an on set monitor, a ProRes and DNxHD recorder and a playback VTR for reviewing shots. The SD cards can be cloned on set using DaVinci Resolve running on a laptop. You can even speed up post production by using Resolve to create looks live on set that can be later used during editing and color grading!
Camera Crew Monitor
Add a large camera viewfinder that everyone can see!
Production Field Recorder
Record 10-bit 4:2:2 high definition video!
With its incredible compact size, the Blackmagic Video Assist securely mounts on any Ultra HD camera and gives film, television and commercial productions a professional recorder that can capture video in the popular ProRes and DNxHD formats. You can simultaneously record full 10-bit 4:2:2 HD files on the Video Assist and capture full resolution 4K RAW digital negatives on your camera! Both sets of files will have perfectly matched timecode so you can finish your program using the HD files from the Video Assist and you still have the camera original RAW files for visual effects and color grading if needed.
Digital Signage and Conferences
Reliable HD playback at trade shows and retail stores
Every company needs a reliable way to playback video at trade shows or on digital signs. Highly compressed H.264 or MP4 web formats don’t look good when projected on large screens and digital signs. Video Assist uses high quality DNxHD and ProRes video formats so there’s no temporal compression and you get hours of broadcast quality HD video playback! Connections are simple and straightforward and the large buttons emulate traditional deck controls so they are easy to use.
The portable video recorder with built in HD on set monitor!
Aluminium Metal Frame
Light weight, durable construction
The frame of the Blackmagic Video Assist is made from aircraft grade aluminum which means you get an incredibly sturdy metal that barely adds any weight to your camera. The aluminum is precision machined into the intricate shape needed to house the connections and touchscreen display. It’s also extremely strong, which makes it perfect for bracing the mounting points. You get a heavy duty metal that is comfortable enough to hold in your hand and still light enough to be mounted on even the smallest rig.
Large 5 Inch HD Monitor
Bright and vivid 1920 x 1080 display
Touchscreen Control
Modern and intuitive user interface
The built in display is also an incredibly intuitive and responsive capacitive touchscreen, which is used to configure and control the Video Assist. Swipe gestures make it simple and quick to show or hide settings for the capture resolution and format as well as brightness and contrast of the screen. Swipe in another direction and you’ll have access to transport controls, recording status, histogram, audio level, timecode, battery status, and more. Best of all, the controls are overlaid using a semi transparent heads up display, which allows you to always keep an eye on your shot!
Plug into cameras, projectors and more.
Video and audio are captured using 6G-SDI and HDMI 1.4, allowing you to record from almost every professional camera, camcorder and DSLR. Since the inputs loop through to the 6G-SDI and HDMI outputs you can simultaneously display the live video or recorded clips on larger screens like HD broadcast monitors or HDMI projectors. Audio is embedded in the output or you can also monitor audio using the 3.5mm stereo headphone jack.
Mounting Points
Attach to cameras, equipment carts or hang it anywhere
There are 6 mounting points located on the top and bottom of the Video Assist. Using the bottom ¼ inch holes, you can securely attach it to the top of your camera as the ultimate HD viewfinder! The three ¼” holes on top allow you to hang it from rigs and use it as a monitor for the entire crew. The standard sized mounting points make it easy to mount and are compatible with third party rigging equipment.
Uninterruptible Power
Plug it in or go mobile
The Blackmagic Video Assist includes a universal 110V – 240V power supply so you can use it anywhere. When connected to the 12V DC input you get continuous power or you can run it off of dual Canon compatible LP-E6 rechargeable batteries. Intelligent battery management will use the battery with less charge first, then immediately switch to the other battery without interrupting recording. When connected to AC power, the batteries can be charged in parallel while the Video Assist is still being used. That means you never have to turn the Video Assist monitor off while you’re on a shoot!