Introducing Teranex Mini
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April 14, 2015
Broadcast & Playout Digital Projections, Signage, DOOH, POS News Press Releases Production, Post Production Reviews Solutions
Παρουσιάζοντας τα Teranex Μίνι
Μίνι μετατροπείς επόμενης γενιάς με την καλύτερη τεχνολογία και χαρακτηριστικά !
Παρουσιάζοντας τα Teranex Mini , η επόμενη γενιά 12G – SDI μετατροπείς με τη βραβευμένη Teranex ποιότητα και την υποστήριξη για όλες τις μορφές SD , HD και Ultra HD έως και 2160p60! Όλα τα Teranex Minis περιλαμβάνουν εσωτερική παροχή ρεύματος, από την επαγγελματική αναλογική XLR και AES / EBU συνδέσεις ήχου και μια σύνδεση Ethernet για απομακρυσμένη διαχείριση και PoE εναλλακτική δύναμη! Τα Teranex Mini διαθέτει μια αναβαθιμιζόμενη από τον χρήστη πρόσοψη που περιλαμβάνει έγχρωμη οθόνη και χειριστήρια χρήστη, έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να παρακολουθείτε γρήγορα το βίντεο και να αλλάξετε τις ρυθμίσεις σωστά από το μπροστινό μέρος του μετατροπέα! Μπορείτε να πάρετε όλα τα ίδια καταπληκτικά χαρακτηριστικά της απλής σειράς μίνι converters και πολλά άλλα!
Χρησιμοποιήστε Οπουδήποτε
Πιο ευέλικτοι μετατροπείς στον κόσμο !
Οι ολοκαίνουργιοι Teranex Μίνι μετατροπείς κάνουν την υποστήριξη όλων των διαφορετικών τύπων εξοπλισμού βίντεο ευκολότερη από ποτέ . Τα Teranex Mini είναι ιδανικα για εγκαταστάσεις εκπομπής επειδή μπορούν να γίνουν rack mounted και το προαιρετικό εμπρόσθιο πάνελ σας επιτρέπει να δείτε τι θα μετατραπεί στην οθόνη ! Μπορούν ακόμη και να διαχειρίζονται εξ αποστάσεως μέσω Ethernet . Το μικρό τους μέγεθος καθιστά ιδανικό για εγκατάσταση σε ζωντανά γεγονότα ή σε φορτηγά εκπομπής , συν το ότι έχουν επαγγελματικές συνδέσεις XLR ήχου για σύνδεση με μίξερ και άλλα εργαλεία ήχου ! Μπορείτε να τα χρησιμοποιήσετε ακόμη και στο μοντάζ και σε σουίτες για να οδηγούν μεγάλες οθόνες και προβολικά!
Ανακαλύπτοντας τα Mini Converter
Το πρώτο μίνι converter που δεν χρειάζεται να κρύψετε!
Τα Teranex Mini είναι τόσο μικρα που μπορείτε να τα χρησιμοποιήσετε σαν κανονικό μίνι κρύβοντάς τα σε αγωγούς καλωδιώσεων, πίσω από τον εξοπλισμό και από τηλεοράσεις για παρακολούθηση. Η νέα ευέλικτη σχεδίαση Teranex Mini σας επιτρέπει να τα χρησιμοποιήσετε στην επιφάνεια εργασίας , όπου μπορείτε να τα δείτε , ή rack mount σε μεγαλύτερα συστήματα μετάδοσης . Σε αντίθεση με τα απλά μίνι converter, μπορείτε να πάρετε σε πλήρες μέγεθος επαγγελματική XLR συνδέση ήχου, ενσωματωμένο στους μετατροπείς , καθώς και κάθε μετατροπέας έχει μια σύνδεση Ethernet , ώστε να μπορούν να ελεγχθούν από απόσταση. Μπορείτε να πάρετε μίνι διακόπτες ώστε να μπορείτε να αλλάξετε τις ρυθμίσεις αμέσως ή , όταν κάνετε κρίσιμης σημασίας έργο, μπορείτε να προσθέσετε την προαιρετική πρόσοψη για να δείτε ακριβώς τι κάνετε μετατροπή .
Rack Mountable
Οι πρώτοι στον κόσμο 12G – SDI rack mount μετατροπείς !
Οι μετατροπείς βασει κάρτας είναι ακριβοι , δεν μπορούν να χειριστούν υψηλές ταχύτητες SDI όπως 12G – SDI και θα πρέπει να αγοράσετε ένα ολόκληρο σασί rack , ακόμη και αν το μόνο που θέλετε να εγκαταστήσετε είναι ένας μετατροπέας. Τα Teranex mini μπορεί να είναι rack mounted σε συνδυασμούς ενός ή περισσότερων και μπορείτε να τα χρησιμοποιήσετε μη rack mounted κάθε φορά που χρειάζεστε! Μπορείτε να κατασκευασετε σε εναλλασσόμενο ρεύμα και Ethernet σε κάθε μετατροπέα ώστε να μην υπάρχει μοναδικό σημείο αποτυχίας . Επειδή είναι τόσο μικρόι, μπορείτε να τα τοποθετήσετε στο μπροστινό ή πίσω μέρος του rack εξοπλισμού.
Advanced 12G-SDI
Blazing fast 12G-SDI for SD, HD and Ultra HD!
Τα Teranex Μίνι διαθέτουν τεχνολογία αιχμής, multi rate τεχνολογία 12G – SDI που είναι 8 φορές πιο γρήγορα από το κανονικό HD – SDI. Το 12G – SDI θα εντοπίσει αυτόματα και την αλλαγή μεταξύ όλων των SD , HD και Ultra HD φορμά βίντεο αμέσως , ώστε να μπορείτε να συνδέσετε Teranex Mini σε όλους τους υφιστάμενους εξοπλισμούς SD και HD. Το 12G – SDI υποστηρίζει υψηλό ρυθμό καρέ Ultra HD έως και 2160p60 σε ένα μόνο καλώδιο BNC , έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να εργαστούν σε Ultra HD και να κρατήσει υψηλό ρυθμό καρέ ροή εργασίας της παραγωγής σας για γρήγορη μετακίνηση αθλητικών και γρήγορων σκηνών δράσης.
Smart Thermal Design
Easily handles 12G-SDI in tough environments!
Τα Teranex Mini διαθέτουν ένα καινοτόμο θερμικό σχεδιασμό με διασταυρούμενης ροής ψύξη που τους κρατά σε θερμοκρασίες λειτουργίας, ακόμη και όταν είναι rack mounted δίπλα-δίπλα και σε σκληρές συνθήκες ! Μια ευφυής θερμική σχεδίαση και εσωτερική σωλήνα θερμότητας βοηθά με ψύξη και κρατά την ροή του αέρα ανά πάσα στιγμή με παράλληλη ελαχιστοποίηση του θορύβου . Εάν ένας Teranex Mini γίνει πάρα πολύ ζεστός, θα λάβετε αμέσως ειδοποίηση μέσω του απομακρυσμένου ελέγχου ethernet και στην πρόσοψη . Όταν είναι rack mounted πλάι-πλάι , κάθε Teranex Mini συνεργάζεται για να τραβήξει τον αέρα μέσα από το ράφι κρατώντας τα όλα σε κανονικές συνθήκες και παρέχει εφεδρεία για κάθε μετατροπέα.
Teranex Mini Smart Panel
Το Smart Panel Teranex Mini αφαιρεί την εικασία από τη χρήση ενός μετατροπέα ! Τώρα μπορείτε να δείτε το βίντεο που διέρχεται από το μετατροπέα χρησιμοποιώντας την ενσωματωμένη οθόνη LCD . Ο πίνακας διαθέτει επίσης πλήκτρα και ένα εύκολο στην πλοήγηση μενού επί της οθόνης που σας επιτρέπει να ρυθμίσετε γρήγορα και να αποθηκεύσετε τις ρυθμίσεις . Το Smart Panel Teranex Mini είναι ιδανικό όταν είστε έξω σε γύρισμα ή στο πλατώ χωρίς εξωτερικές οθόνες , ή ακόμα και όταν έχετε πολλούς μετατροπείς τοποθετημένους σε rack και απλά θέλετε να δείτε τι συμβαίνει μέσα από όλα αυτά!
Broadcast Connections
True XLR audio, ethernet and built in IEC AC power connectors
All Teranex Mini converters feature standard, professional broadcast quality connectors, including full size professional XLR audio connections and high speed BNC connections for handling the extremely high bandwidth of cutting edge 12G-SDI technology. All models feature a built in multi volt 90V-240V AC power supply and standard IEC AC power connector so you can use any regular power cable. The built in ethernet connection allows remote administration and can also be used to power the converter when connected to power over ethernet switch.
Teranex Mini – SDI to Analog 12G
Teranex Mini – HDMI to SDI 12G
Digital and Analog Audio
Truly professional quality audio!
The professional XLR connections can be switched between balanced analog or AES/EBU digital audio so you can connect to any professional analog or digital audio equipment. If you’re running pro digital audio gear, you can keep your audio digital the whole way through for perfect digital quality. With professional audio built into every converter, you can connect to pro audio gear like mixers, effects processors, compressors, limiters and more into SDI based video systems. For analog audio, Teranex Mini’s feature an extremely low noise floor of more than -115 dBFS so even analog audio background noise is virtually silent.
Optical Fiber Models
Build broadcast facilities using optical fiber!
Optical fiber SDI is becoming more popular because it handles extremely long distances, even at the high speeds of 12G-SDI. Optical fiber cables can be installed by electricians or computer networking installers so it’s easy to use. Each model of Teranex Mini has a corresponding optical fiber model so you can run native optical fiber systems and convert directly from optical fiber to HDMI, analog video or audio. The optical fiber models still include a 12G-SDI connector so you can use them in both regular BNC or optical fiber systems.
10,000m / 32,808ft
12Gb/s Ultra HD at 2160p60
Local or Remote Control
Easily control and manage your converters!
Like regular Mini Converters, Teranex Mini features built in mini switches and a printed diagram on the converter so you can quickly and easily change settings. When using the optional Teranex Smart Panel, settings can be changed using the push buttons and simple on screen menus. If you’re in a larger facility using lots of converters, you can manage them over ethernet from a Mac or Windows computer using the included Converter Utility software.
Highest Quality!
Patented Teranex Image Processing
Built using high quality Teranex video processing technology, Teranex Mini is ideal for all broadcast, post production and professional video applications. You get full SDI re-clocking and low jitter so you can use longer cables and because Teranex Mini’s have been designed for 12G-SDI, you get extremely long cable lengths when running at slower SDI speeds such as 6G-SDI, 3G-SDI and HD-SDI. When converting to analog you get extremely low noise because of the high quality 12-bit video processing. When you’re running Ultra HD to analog video Teranex Mini’s will upscale or down convert to analog HD automatically!
Audio Floor Graph for Teranex Mini Audio to SDI 12G
6 Models
HDMI to SDI 4K, SDI to HDMI 4K, SDI to Analog 4K,
Analog to SDI, Audio to SDI 4K, SDI to Audio 4K.
All models available SDI or optical fiber.
Broadcast quality converters for every situation!
Using a Television for SDI Monitoring
Teranex Mini SDI to HDMI is perfect for using a big screen television to monitor SDI video from professional broadcast equipment! The compact size means you can mount it behind a big screen Ultra HD television set. Easily connect SDI signals from professional cameras, switchers, routers, decks or capture cards and convert to HDMI.
Convert Computer HDMI to SDI
Today’s modern desktop and laptop computers have HDMI connections so you can create on-air graphics or send content from a computer screen out to SDI using the Teranex Mini HDMI to SDI model. Now you can use your computer as a full resolution HD or Ultra HD graphics source in pristine digital quality.
Use Pro Audio Gear with SDI
When you’re integrating pro audio gear such as professional mixers, effects processors, compressors or limiters, you can use Teranex Mini SDI to Audio and Teranex Mini Audio to SDI models to separate the audio from the SDI connection so it can be used by the audio equipment. You can even rack mount the converters under the audio equipment.
HDMI Video Projectors
Large venues like concert halls, convention centers and stadiums often have multiple projectors and screens mounted throughout the venue. You can use a Teranex Mini Optical to HDMI model to run optical fiber cables, even at extremely long distances and reliably connect to HDMI televisions and projectors throughout the venue.
Use HDMI Cameras for Live Production
When you’re using consumer cameras with HDMI connections, use Teranex Mini HDMI to SDI to convert the camera to SDI so you can use it with live production switchers. You can use the Teranex Mini HDMI to Optical model for long distances between the camera and switcher. This lets you use almost any type of camera for live production!
Connect Analog Equipment to SDI
With millions of hours of content on older tape formats such as 1” or Betacam, you can use the analog Teranex Mini models to connect to the latest SDI equipment. Teranex Minis include up and down converters so you can even connect an old deck to Ultra HD! Teranex Mini SDI to Analog will down convert to ensure your deck always gets an SD signal.
Teranex Mini 12G Converters
Build your SDI studio with the world’s most advanced converters.
Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Convert from 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with Ultra HD as the HDMI monitor will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors.
Teranex Mini – HDMI to SDI 12G
Convert from HDMI to 12G-SDI. Works with all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes an up converter for converting HD to Ultra HD. Embed audio from balanced analog or AES/EBU and timecode input. Ideal for converting HDMI consumer cameras to SDI, or adding SDI outputs to computers with HDMI connections.
Teranex Mini – SDI to Analog 12G
Convert from 12G-SDI to Analog. Use SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and convert to analog video output. Built in down converter lets you connect Ultra HD sources to component video equipment in SD or HD. Allows you to connect analog equipment including Betacam SP, VHS, and video monitors.
Teranex Mini – Analog to SDI 12G
Convert from analog video to 12G-SDI. Convert incoming analog video signals to SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI. Ideal for converting your analog devices such as Betacam SP, VHS, set top boxes, gaming consoles and HDV cameras to incredible quality SD/HD/Ultra HD SDI video up to 2160p60.
Teranex Mini – SDI to Audio 12G
De-embed audio from any SD, HD or Ultra HD SDI video connection and output 2 channels of analog audio to balanced XLR, optical or HiFi RCA, or output up to 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio. Perfect for converting and outputting SDI audio to a massive range of audio equipment such as audio mixers, iPods, analog broadcast decks, audio monitors and more.
Teranex Mini – Audio to SDI 12G
Embed up to 2 channels of audio from balanced analog, optical or HiFi RCA, or embed up to or 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio into any SD, HD, Ultra HD or DCI 4K SDI video connection. Take audio from devices such as audio mixers, iPods and analog decks and embed it into SDI video connections for use with SDI routers and decks.
12G-SDI Optical Fiber
Teranex Mini – Optical to HDMI 12G
Convert from 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with Ultra HD as the HDMI monitor will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors
Teranex Mini – HDMI to Optical 12G
Convert from HDMI to 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI. Works with all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes an up converter for converting HD to Ultra HD. Embed audio from balanced analog or AES/EBU and timecode input. Ideal for converting HDMI consumer cameras to SDI, or adding SDI outputs to computers with HDMI connections.
Teranex Mini – Optical to Analog 12G
Convert from 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI to Analog. Use SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and convert to analog video output. Built in down converter lets you connect Ultra HD sources to component video equipment in SD or HD. Allows you to connect analog equipment including Betacam SP, VHS, and video monitors.
Teranex Mini – Analog to Optical 12G
Convert from analog video to 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI. Convert incoming analog video signals to SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI. Ideal for converting your analog devices such as Betacam SP, VHS, set top boxes, gaming consoles and HDV cameras to incredible quality SD/HD/Ultra HD SDI video up to 2160p60.
Teranex Mini – Optical to Audio 12G
De-embed up to 2 channels of analog audio or 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio from any SD, HD or Ultra HD 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI video connection. Perfect for converting and outputting SDI audio to a massive range of audio equipment such as audio mixers, analog broadcast decks, audio monitors and more.
Teranex Mini – Audio to Optical 12G
Embed up to 2 channels of analog audio or 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio into any SD, HD, Ultra HD or DCI 4K SDI video connection. Take audio from devices such as audio mixers and analog decks and embed it into 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI video connections for use with SDI routers and decks.
Teranex Mini Smart Panel
The Teranex Mini’s optional premium front panel includes straight forward push buttons and a built in LCD screen for easier set up. The LCD screen also displays the video going through each of your converters! The premium front panel is perfect when you’re out in the field or on set without external monitors, or even when you have multiple converters mounted in equipment racks and just want to see what’s going through them all!
Shipping in May
Teranex Mini Rack Shelf
Teranex Mini are designed to be racked side by side, with three converters fitting in 1RU, six in 2RU, and nine in 3RU. When multiple units are racked side by side, variable speed fans pull from one unit into the next to facilitate optimal air flow. If a fan fails adjacent Teranex Mini will increase fan speed, to prevent overheating! And because they’re small and lightweight, you can even mount them in the rear of a rack or road case!
Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Teranex Mini – HDMI to SDI 12G
Teranex Mini – SDI to Analog 12G
Teranex Mini – Analog to SDI 12G
Teranex Mini – SDI to Audio 12G
Teranex Mini – Audio to SDI 12G
Teranex Mini – Optical to HDMI 12G
Teranex Mini – HDMI to Optical 12G
Teranex Mini – Optical to Analog 12G
Teranex Mini – Analog to Optical 12G
Teranex Mini – Optical to Audio 12G
Teranex Mini – Audio to Optical 12G
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Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Technical Specifications
Convert from 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with Ultra HD as the HDMI monitor will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors.
SDI Video Input 1 x 12G-SDI SD/HD/2K/4K auto switching.
SDI Video Output 1 x 12G-SDI loop output.
HDMI 1 x HDMI 2.0 type A connector with support for 2160p60.
Analog Audio Output 2 channels professional balanced analog audio via XLR connectors. Right XLR can be configured for Timecode output.
AES/EBU Audio Output 4 channels professional 110Ω balanced digital audio via XLR connectors. Right XLR can be configured for Timecode output.
Multi Rate Support Automatic switching between SD/HD/2K and 4K.
Updates and Configuration USB or Ethernet.
Re-Clocking Yes
SD Format Support
525/29.97 NTSC, 625/25 PAL.
HD Format Support
1280 x 720p50, 1280 x 720p59.94, 1280 x 720p60, 1920 x 1080i50, 1920 x 1080i59.94, 1920 x 1080i60, 1920 x 1080PsF23.98, 1920 x 1080PsF24, 1920 x 1080p23.98, 1920 x 1080p24, 1920 x 1080p25, 1920 x 1080p29.97, 1920 x 1080p30, 1920 x 1080p50, 1920 x 1080p59.94, 1920 x 1080p60.
2K Format Support
2048 x 1080PsF23.98, 2048 x 1080PsF24, 2048 x 1080PsF25, 2048 x 1080p23.98, 2048 x 1080p24, 2048 x 1080p25.
4K Format Support
3840 x 2160p23.98, 3840 x 2160p24, 3840 x 2160p25, 3840 x 2160p29.97, 3840 x 2160p30, 3840 x 2160p50, 3840 x 2160p59.94, 3840 x 2160p60, 4096 x 2160p23.98, 4096 x 2160p24, 4096 x 2160p25, 4096 x 2160p29.97, 4096 x 2160p30, 4096 x 2160p50, 4096 x 2160p59.94, 4096 x 2160p60.
SDI Compliance
SDI Video Rates
SDI video connections are switchable between standard definition, high definition level B 3G-SDI, 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI.
SDI Video Sampling
4:2:2 and 4:4:4
SDI Audio Sampling
Television standard sample rate of 48 kHz and 24-bit.
SDI Color Precision
4:2:2 and 4:4:4
SDI Color Space
SDI Auto Switching
Automatically detects SD, HD or 12G-SDI.
HDMI Format Support
525/29.97 NTSC, 625/25 PAL, 1280 x 720p50, 1280 x 720p59.94, 1280 x 720p60, 1920 x 1080i50, 1920 x 1080i59.94, 1920 x 1080i60, 1920 x 1080p23.98, 1920 x 1080p24, 1920 x 1080p25, 1920 x 1080p29.97, 1920 x 1080p30, 1920 x 1080p50, 1920 x 1080p59.94, 1920 x 1080p60, 2048 x 1080p23.98, 2048 x 1080p24, 2048 x 1080p25, 3840 x 2160p23.98, 3840 x 2160p24, 3840 x 2160p25, 3840 x 2160p29.97, 3840 x 2160p30, 3840 x 2160p50, 3840 x 2160p59.94, 3840 x 2160p60, 4096 x 2160p23.98, 4096 x 2160p24, 4096 x 2160p25, 4096 x 2160p29.97, 4096 x 2160p30, 4096 x 2160p50, 4096 x 2160p59.94, 4096 x 2160p60
HDMI Color Space
REC 601, REC 709
HDMI Color Precision
YUV 4:2:2 and RGB 4:4:4 in HD, 2K and 4K.
Software Control
Mac OS X™ and Windows™ software upgrade via USB or Ethernet.
Internal Software Upgrade
Via included updater application.
Setting Control
Basic Settings Control
Mini Switches, USB and Ethernet via free software utility.
Optional Front Panel Control
Front mounted Smart Panel with LCD, rotary knob and six settings buttons.
Power Requirements
Power Supply
1 x built-in international AC power supply with IEC C14 inlet. IEC Power cable required. 90 – 240V AC Input.
Power Over Ethernet
Can be powered via 48V DC using PoE (power over ethernet).
Power Consumption
15 Watts
Operational Voltage Range
90 – 240V AC
Physical Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature
0°to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
Storage Temperature
-20°to 60°C (-4° to 140°F)
Relative Humidity
0% to 90% non-condensing
What’s Included
Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Software SD Card
3 year Limited Manufacturer’s Warranty.Introducing Teranex Mini
Next generation mini converters with better technology and features!
Introducing Teranex Mini, the next generation 12G-SDI converters with award winning Teranex quality and support for all SD, HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p60! All Teranex Minis include an internal AC power supply, professional XLR analog and AES/EBU audio connections and an ethernet connection for remote management and PoE alternate power! Teranex Mini features a user upgradable front panel that includes a color display and user controls so you can quickly monitor video and change settings right from the front of the converter! You get all of the same great features of regular mini converters and so much more!
Use Anywhere
The world’s most versatile converters!
The all new Teranex Mini converters make building facilities and supporting all different types of video equipment easier than ever before. Teranex Mini is perfect for broadcast installations because they can be rack mounted and the optional front panel lets you see what’s being converted on the screen! They can even be remote managed over ethernet. Their compact size makes them great for portable racks at live events or in broadcast trucks, plus they have professional XLR audio connections for connecting to mixers and other audio gear! You can even use them in editing and color grading suites to drive big screen displays and projectors!
Reinventing the Mini Converter
The first mini converter you don’t have to hide!
Teranex Minis are so small that you can use them like regular mini converters such as hiding them in cable ducts, behind equipment and attached to televisions for monitoring. Teranex Mini’s new flexible design lets you use them on the desktop where you can see them, or rack mount them in larger broadcast systems. Unlike regular mini converters, you get full size professional XLR audio connections built into the converters, plus each converter has an ethernet connection so they can be administered remotely. You get mini switches so you can change settings instantly or, when you’re doing mission critical work, you can add the optional front panel to see exactly what you’re converting.
Rack Mountable
The world’s first 12G-SDI rack mount converters!
Card based rack converters are expensive, cannot handle high SDI speeds such as 12G-SDI and you have to buy an entire rack chassis even if you only want to install one converter. Teranex Minis can be rack mounted in combinations of one or more and you can take them out and use them non rack mounted whenever you need! You get built in AC power and ethernet on every converter so there’s no single point of failure. Unlike card based converters, you can walk up and change settings from the front panel, monitor the video going through each converter, and you can also manage them remotely over ethernet! Because they’re so small you can mount them in the front or the rear of an equipment rack or road case.
Advanced 12G-SDI
Blazing fast 12G-SDI for SD, HD and Ultra HD!
Teranex Mini converters feature cutting edge, multi rate 12G-SDI technology that’s 8 times faster than regular HD-SDI. 12G-SDI is multi rate so it will automatically detect and change between all SD, HD and Ultra HD video formats instantly, so you can connect Teranex Mini to all of your existing SD and HD equipment. 12G-SDI supports high frame rate Ultra HD up to 2160p60 on a single BNC cable so you can work in Ultra HD and keep your high frame rate production workflow for fast moving sports and action programming.
Smart Thermal Design
Easily handles 12G-SDI in tough environments!
Teranex Mini features an innovative thermal design with crossflow cooling that keeps them running perfectly, even when rack mounted side by side and in tough environments! An intelligent thermal subsystem and internal heat pipe assist with cooling and keeps the air flowing at all times while minimizing noise. If a Teranex Mini gets too hot, you’ll instantly receive notification through the remote control ethernet utility and on the front panel. When rack mounted side by side, each Teranex Mini works together to pull air through the rack keeping them all cool and providing redundancy for each converter.
Teranex Mini Smart Panel
Monitor video on your converter!
The Teranex Mini Smart Panel takes the guesswork out of using a converter! Now you can see the video going through your converter using the built in LCD screen. The panel also features push buttons and an easy to navigate on-screen menu that lets you quickly adjust and save settings. The Teranex Mini Smart Panel is perfect when you’re out in the field or on set without external monitors, or even when you have multiple converters mounted in equipment racks and just want to see what’s going through them all!
Broadcast Connections
True XLR audio, ethernet and built in IEC AC power connectors
All Teranex Mini converters feature standard, professional broadcast quality connectors, including full size professional XLR audio connections and high speed BNC connections for handling the extremely high bandwidth of cutting edge 12G-SDI technology. All models feature a built in multi volt 90V-240V AC power supply and standard IEC AC power connector so you can use any regular power cable. The built in ethernet connection allows remote administration and can also be used to power the converter when connected to power over ethernet switch.
Teranex Mini – SDI to Analog 12G
Teranex Mini – HDMI to SDI 12G
Digital and Analog Audio
Truly professional quality audio!
The professional XLR connections can be switched between balanced analog or AES/EBU digital audio so you can connect to any professional analog or digital audio equipment. If you’re running pro digital audio gear, you can keep your audio digital the whole way through for perfect digital quality. With professional audio built into every converter, you can connect to pro audio gear like mixers, effects processors, compressors, limiters and more into SDI based video systems. For analog audio, Teranex Mini’s feature an extremely low noise floor of more than -115 dBFS so even analog audio background noise is virtually silent.
Optical Fiber Models
Build broadcast facilities using optical fiber!
Optical fiber SDI is becoming more popular because it handles extremely long distances, even at the high speeds of 12G-SDI. Optical fiber cables can be installed by electricians or computer networking installers so it’s easy to use. Each model of Teranex Mini has a corresponding optical fiber model so you can run native optical fiber systems and convert directly from optical fiber to HDMI, analog video or audio. The optical fiber models still include a 12G-SDI connector so you can use them in both regular BNC or optical fiber systems.
10,000m / 32,808ft
12Gb/s Ultra HD at 2160p60
Local or Remote Control
Easily control and manage your converters!
Like regular Mini Converters, Teranex Mini features built in mini switches and a printed diagram on the converter so you can quickly and easily change settings. When using the optional Teranex Smart Panel, settings can be changed using the push buttons and simple on screen menus. If you’re in a larger facility using lots of converters, you can manage them over ethernet from a Mac or Windows computer using the included Converter Utility software.
Highest Quality!
Patented Teranex Image Processing
Built using high quality Teranex video processing technology, Teranex Mini is ideal for all broadcast, post production and professional video applications. You get full SDI re-clocking and low jitter so you can use longer cables and because Teranex Mini’s have been designed for 12G-SDI, you get extremely long cable lengths when running at slower SDI speeds such as 6G-SDI, 3G-SDI and HD-SDI. When converting to analog you get extremely low noise because of the high quality 12-bit video processing. When you’re running Ultra HD to analog video Teranex Mini’s will upscale or down convert to analog HD automatically!
Audio Floor Graph for Teranex Mini Audio to SDI 12G
6 Models
HDMI to SDI 4K, SDI to HDMI 4K, SDI to Analog 4K,
Analog to SDI, Audio to SDI 4K, SDI to Audio 4K.
All models available SDI or optical fiber.
Broadcast quality converters for every situation!
Using a Television for SDI Monitoring
Teranex Mini SDI to HDMI is perfect for using a big screen television to monitor SDI video from professional broadcast equipment! The compact size means you can mount it behind a big screen Ultra HD television set. Easily connect SDI signals from professional cameras, switchers, routers, decks or capture cards and convert to HDMI.
Convert Computer HDMI to SDI
Today’s modern desktop and laptop computers have HDMI connections so you can create on-air graphics or send content from a computer screen out to SDI using the Teranex Mini HDMI to SDI model. Now you can use your computer as a full resolution HD or Ultra HD graphics source in pristine digital quality.
Use Pro Audio Gear with SDI
When you’re integrating pro audio gear such as professional mixers, effects processors, compressors or limiters, you can use Teranex Mini SDI to Audio and Teranex Mini Audio to SDI models to separate the audio from the SDI connection so it can be used by the audio equipment. You can even rack mount the converters under the audio equipment.
HDMI Video Projectors
Large venues like concert halls, convention centers and stadiums often have multiple projectors and screens mounted throughout the venue. You can use a Teranex Mini Optical to HDMI model to run optical fiber cables, even at extremely long distances and reliably connect to HDMI televisions and projectors throughout the venue.
Use HDMI Cameras for Live Production
When you’re using consumer cameras with HDMI connections, use Teranex Mini HDMI to SDI to convert the camera to SDI so you can use it with live production switchers. You can use the Teranex Mini HDMI to Optical model for long distances between the camera and switcher. This lets you use almost any type of camera for live production!
Connect Analog Equipment to SDI
With millions of hours of content on older tape formats such as 1” or Betacam, you can use the analog Teranex Mini models to connect to the latest SDI equipment. Teranex Minis include up and down converters so you can even connect an old deck to Ultra HD! Teranex Mini SDI to Analog will down convert to ensure your deck always gets an SD signal.
Teranex Mini 12G Converters
Build your SDI studio with the world’s most advanced converters.
Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Convert from 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with Ultra HD as the HDMI monitor will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors.
Teranex Mini – HDMI to SDI 12G
Convert from HDMI to 12G-SDI. Works with all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes an up converter for converting HD to Ultra HD. Embed audio from balanced analog or AES/EBU and timecode input. Ideal for converting HDMI consumer cameras to SDI, or adding SDI outputs to computers with HDMI connections.
Teranex Mini – SDI to Analog 12G
Convert from 12G-SDI to Analog. Use SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and convert to analog video output. Built in down converter lets you connect Ultra HD sources to component video equipment in SD or HD. Allows you to connect analog equipment including Betacam SP, VHS, and video monitors.
Teranex Mini – Analog to SDI 12G
Convert from analog video to 12G-SDI. Convert incoming analog video signals to SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI. Ideal for converting your analog devices such as Betacam SP, VHS, set top boxes, gaming consoles and HDV cameras to incredible quality SD/HD/Ultra HD SDI video up to 2160p60.
Teranex Mini – SDI to Audio 12G
De-embed audio from any SD, HD or Ultra HD SDI video connection and output 2 channels of analog audio to balanced XLR, optical or HiFi RCA, or output up to 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio. Perfect for converting and outputting SDI audio to a massive range of audio equipment such as audio mixers, iPods, analog broadcast decks, audio monitors and more.
Teranex Mini – Audio to SDI 12G
Embed up to 2 channels of audio from balanced analog, optical or HiFi RCA, or embed up to or 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio into any SD, HD, Ultra HD or DCI 4K SDI video connection. Take audio from devices such as audio mixers, iPods and analog decks and embed it into SDI video connections for use with SDI routers and decks.
12G-SDI Optical Fiber
Teranex Mini – Optical to HDMI 12G
Convert from 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with Ultra HD as the HDMI monitor will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors
Teranex Mini – HDMI to Optical 12G
Convert from HDMI to 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI. Works with all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes an up converter for converting HD to Ultra HD. Embed audio from balanced analog or AES/EBU and timecode input. Ideal for converting HDMI consumer cameras to SDI, or adding SDI outputs to computers with HDMI connections.
Teranex Mini – Optical to Analog 12G
Convert from 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI to Analog. Use SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and convert to analog video output. Built in down converter lets you connect Ultra HD sources to component video equipment in SD or HD. Allows you to connect analog equipment including Betacam SP, VHS, and video monitors.
Teranex Mini – Analog to Optical 12G
Convert from analog video to 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI. Convert incoming analog video signals to SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI. Ideal for converting your analog devices such as Betacam SP, VHS, set top boxes, gaming consoles and HDV cameras to incredible quality SD/HD/Ultra HD SDI video up to 2160p60.
Teranex Mini – Optical to Audio 12G
De-embed up to 2 channels of analog audio or 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio from any SD, HD or Ultra HD 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI video connection. Perfect for converting and outputting SDI audio to a massive range of audio equipment such as audio mixers, analog broadcast decks, audio monitors and more.
Teranex Mini – Audio to Optical 12G
Embed up to 2 channels of analog audio or 4 channels of AES/EBU digital audio into any SD, HD, Ultra HD or DCI 4K SDI video connection. Take audio from devices such as audio mixers and analog decks and embed it into 12G optical fiber and 12G-SDI video connections for use with SDI routers and decks.
Teranex Mini Smart Panel
The Teranex Mini’s optional premium front panel includes straight forward push buttons and a built in LCD screen for easier set up. The LCD screen also displays the video going through each of your converters! The premium front panel is perfect when you’re out in the field or on set without external monitors, or even when you have multiple converters mounted in equipment racks and just want to see what’s going through them all!
Shipping in May
Teranex Mini Rack Shelf
Teranex Mini are designed to be racked side by side, with three converters fitting in 1RU, six in 2RU, and nine in 3RU. When multiple units are racked side by side, variable speed fans pull from one unit into the next to facilitate optimal air flow. If a fan fails adjacent Teranex Mini will increase fan speed, to prevent overheating! And because they’re small and lightweight, you can even mount them in the rear of a rack or road case!
Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Teranex Mini – HDMI to SDI 12G
Teranex Mini – SDI to Analog 12G
Teranex Mini – Analog to SDI 12G
Teranex Mini – SDI to Audio 12G
Teranex Mini – Audio to SDI 12G
Teranex Mini – Optical to HDMI 12G
Teranex Mini – HDMI to Optical 12G
Teranex Mini – Optical to Analog 12G
Teranex Mini – Analog to Optical 12G
Teranex Mini – Optical to Audio 12G
Teranex Mini – Audio to Optical 12G
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Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Technical Specifications
Convert from 12G-SDI to HDMI. Supports all video formats including SD, HD, 6G and 12G-SDI rates and includes down converter when working with Ultra HD as the HDMI monitor will select the best format it can support. De-embed audio to balanced analog or AES/EBU formats and timecode output. Perfect for using HDMI televisions as SDI broadcast monitors and for connecting to video projectors.
SDI Video Input 1 x 12G-SDI SD/HD/2K/4K auto switching.
SDI Video Output 1 x 12G-SDI loop output.
HDMI 1 x HDMI 2.0 type A connector with support for 2160p60.
Analog Audio Output 2 channels professional balanced analog audio via XLR connectors. Right XLR can be configured for Timecode output.
AES/EBU Audio Output 4 channels professional 110Ω balanced digital audio via XLR connectors. Right XLR can be configured for Timecode output.
Multi Rate Support Automatic switching between SD/HD/2K and 4K.
Updates and Configuration USB or Ethernet.
Re-Clocking Yes
SD Format Support
525/29.97 NTSC, 625/25 PAL.
HD Format Support
1280 x 720p50, 1280 x 720p59.94, 1280 x 720p60, 1920 x 1080i50, 1920 x 1080i59.94, 1920 x 1080i60, 1920 x 1080PsF23.98, 1920 x 1080PsF24, 1920 x 1080p23.98, 1920 x 1080p24, 1920 x 1080p25, 1920 x 1080p29.97, 1920 x 1080p30, 1920 x 1080p50, 1920 x 1080p59.94, 1920 x 1080p60.
2K Format Support
2048 x 1080PsF23.98, 2048 x 1080PsF24, 2048 x 1080PsF25, 2048 x 1080p23.98, 2048 x 1080p24, 2048 x 1080p25.
4K Format Support
3840 x 2160p23.98, 3840 x 2160p24, 3840 x 2160p25, 3840 x 2160p29.97, 3840 x 2160p30, 3840 x 2160p50, 3840 x 2160p59.94, 3840 x 2160p60, 4096 x 2160p23.98, 4096 x 2160p24, 4096 x 2160p25, 4096 x 2160p29.97, 4096 x 2160p30, 4096 x 2160p50, 4096 x 2160p59.94, 4096 x 2160p60.
SDI Compliance
SDI Video Rates
SDI video connections are switchable between standard definition, high definition level B 3G-SDI, 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI.
SDI Video Sampling
4:2:2 and 4:4:4
SDI Audio Sampling
Television standard sample rate of 48 kHz and 24-bit.
SDI Color Precision
4:2:2 and 4:4:4
SDI Color Space
SDI Auto Switching
Automatically detects SD, HD or 12G-SDI.
HDMI Format Support
525/29.97 NTSC, 625/25 PAL, 1280 x 720p50, 1280 x 720p59.94, 1280 x 720p60, 1920 x 1080i50, 1920 x 1080i59.94, 1920 x 1080i60, 1920 x 1080p23.98, 1920 x 1080p24, 1920 x 1080p25, 1920 x 1080p29.97, 1920 x 1080p30, 1920 x 1080p50, 1920 x 1080p59.94, 1920 x 1080p60, 2048 x 1080p23.98, 2048 x 1080p24, 2048 x 1080p25, 3840 x 2160p23.98, 3840 x 2160p24, 3840 x 2160p25, 3840 x 2160p29.97, 3840 x 2160p30, 3840 x 2160p50, 3840 x 2160p59.94, 3840 x 2160p60, 4096 x 2160p23.98, 4096 x 2160p24, 4096 x 2160p25, 4096 x 2160p29.97, 4096 x 2160p30, 4096 x 2160p50, 4096 x 2160p59.94, 4096 x 2160p60
HDMI Color Space
REC 601, REC 709
HDMI Color Precision
YUV 4:2:2 and RGB 4:4:4 in HD, 2K and 4K.
Software Control
Mac OS X™ and Windows™ software upgrade via USB or Ethernet.
Internal Software Upgrade
Via included updater application.
Setting Control
Basic Settings Control
Mini Switches, USB and Ethernet via free software utility.
Optional Front Panel Control
Front mounted Smart Panel with LCD, rotary knob and six settings buttons.
Power Requirements
Power Supply
1 x built-in international AC power supply with IEC C14 inlet. IEC Power cable required. 90 – 240V AC Input.
Power Over Ethernet
Can be powered via 48V DC using PoE (power over ethernet).
Power Consumption
15 Watts
Operational Voltage Range
90 – 240V AC
Physical Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature
0°to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
Storage Temperature
-20°to 60°C (-4° to 140°F)
Relative Humidity
0% to 90% non-condensing
What’s Included
Teranex Mini – SDI to HDMI 12G
Software SD Card
3 year Limited Manufacturer’s Warranty.