News India 24/7 Chooses PlayBox Technology

News India 24/7 Chooses PlayBox Technology

February 12, 2015 Broadcast & Playout News 0

Playbox_news_india2O Τηλεοπτικός Σταθμός News India 24/7 επέλεξε τη λύση Αυτοματισμού της PlayBox Technology ως βασική υποδομή παρουσίασης και μετάδοσης στο κεντρικά studio της στην Jaipur, πρωτεύουσα της πολιτείας Rajasthan, στη Βόρειο Ινδία.

“Η μακροχρόνια αξιοπιστία και ο έλεγχος του κόστους αποτέλεσαν για τον Τ/Σ News India 24/7 τα βασικά κριτήρια επιλογής της λύσης Αυτοματισμού της PlayBox Technology,” σχολιάζει ο Shelinder Sachdeva, Διευθυντής Πωλήσεων της PlayBox Technology στην Ινδία.
“Ένας ακόμη ζωτικής σημασίας παράγοντας ήταν ότι η σχεδίαση του Τ/Σ News India 24/7 αξιοποιεί ένα ευρύ μίγμα τεχνολογιών, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της πλήρης ενοποίησης του συστήματος αυτοματισμού του playout της PlayBox Technology και του συστήματος αυτοματισμού του News Room (News Room Automation System), καθώς και της επαγγελματικής αποθήκευσης, του teleprompter και των online πραγματικού χρόνου 3D γραφικών.”
Η PlayBox Technology, τις λύσεις της οποίας διαθέτει και υποστηρίζει στην Ελλάδα η AmyDV, αποτελεί ξεκάθαρα νικήτρια σε αυτά τα ζητήματα, καθώς η σχεδίαση τέτοιων ροών εργασιών αποτελεί ένα πολύπλοκο έργο και απαιτεί τεράστιες επενδύσεις. Η PlayBox Technology Ινδίας, εξέλαβε αυτό το έργο ως μία σπουδαία πρόκληση και με διάφορες συνεργασίες με άλλους κατασκευαστές (OEM) υλοποίησε μία ροή εργασιών, η οποία αποτελεί τώρα σημείο αναφοράς για τους επερχόμενους Εθνικής Εμβέλειας και Περιφερειακούς Τηλεοπτικούς Σταθμούς, ενώ σημαντικό είναι το γεγονός πως η εταιρεία παρέχει 100% λειτουργικότητα με 25% μείωση του κόστους.
“News India 24/7 was keen to improve the efficiency of its operations which were becoming an enormous drain on its resources, particularly in terms of manpower, time management, and finance. The network’s management recognized that a system based on PlayBox Technology AirBox, TitleBox, SafeBox and ListBox would allow it to maximize efficiency in all of these areas and simplify the work process.
“The PlayBox Technology team pre-planned and designed the entire system. We established for News India 24/7 a complete and highly robust workflow covering all the elements required for live news telecasts.”
“The workflow starts with a baseband signal being ingested with into a standard broadcast format with proper metadata tagging and any required additional information. It is then automatically transferred to a central storage server via the SafeBox module. Stored files become available anywhere on the network for download or editing. After post-production, it can be added to the playout schedule. Related video clips can be attached to the story along with graphics and text.
“The bulletin producer has complete authority to prioritise stories for a particular programme. A single click assigns script to the prompter, CG to the graphic processor and video to the production servers.  The final output from main video server goes to the PCR Production switcher. Content feeds are routed from the Two Studios, Edits, Storage, NEWS ROOM, XDCAM, RSS, Playout servers, DVCAM and news sources such as the ANI, BBC, CNN and Reuters. All sources can then be forwarded to operator-selected destinations.
“The system is controlled from production control rooms 1 and 2 and from the master control room. PCR1 infrastructure is fully 1+1 redundancy protected, whereas PCR 2 has single playout server and the Master Control Room is equipped with Channel-in-a-Box for playing commercials. The entire workflow is designed in such a way that it enables News India 24×7 to publish content directly to the social media network from the Newsroom itself. Full on-site training was given to News India 24/7 studio staff.
“A great strength of the system is that it imposes no barriers to late-breaking news. Stories can be added at any time or played out live. Any available source can be routed to any destination. It is really-user friendly.”
About News India 24/7
News India 24/7 ( is committed to serving the community with accurate and up-to-date information, in the interest of transparent broadcasting. Based in Jaipur, the channel broadcasts in Hindi via a digital terrestrial network and online. Equipped with a high-technology studio and advanced electronic news gathering technology, it is driven by a network of young journalists and experienced editors.

Playbox_news_india2News India 24/7 has chosen PlayBox Technology Automation Solution as the core of the presentation and transmission infrastructure at its studio headquarters in Jaipur, capital city of Rajasthan state, Northern India.

“Long-term reliability and cost control was a key criterion in News India 24/7’s choice of a PlayBox Technology Automation solution,” comments PlayBox Technology, India, Sales Manager Shelinder Sachdeva.

“Another vital factor was that the News India 24/7 design employs a wide mix of technologies including full integration of PlayBox Technology playout automation system and the News Room Automation System, as well as the professional storage, teleprompter and online real time 3D graphics.”

PlayBox Technology is a clear winner in all these respects, as designing such workflows is a complex task and requires huge investment, PlayBox Technology India, took it as a challenge and with several collaborations with other OEM achieved a workflow, which is now a benchmark for future upcoming national and regional broadcasters and also keeping in mind the tag line of the company providing 100% functionality at 25% of the cost.

“News India 24/7 was keen to improve the efficiency of its operations which were becoming an enormous drain on its resources, particularly in terms of manpower, time management, and finance. The network’s management recognized that a system based on PlayBox Technology AirBox, TitleBox, SafeBox and ListBox would allow it to maximize efficiency in all of these areas and simplify the work process.

“The PlayBox Technology team pre-planned and designed the entire system. We established for News India 24/7 a complete and highly robust workflow covering all the elements required for live news telecasts.”

“The workflow starts with a baseband signal being ingested with into a standard broadcast format with proper metadata tagging and any required additional information. It is then automatically transferred to a central storage server via the SafeBox module. Stored files become available anywhere on the network for download or editing. After post-production, it can be added to the playout schedule. Related video clips can be attached to the story along with graphics and text.

“The bulletin producer has complete authority to prioritise stories for a particular programme. A single click assigns script to the prompter, CG to the graphic processor and video to the production servers.  The final output from main video server goes to the PCR Production switcher. Content feeds are routed from the Two Studios, Edits, Storage, NEWS ROOM, XDCAM, RSS, Playout servers, DVCAM and news sources such as the ANI, BBC, CNN and Reuters. All sources can then be forwarded to operator-selected destinations.

“The system is controlled from production control rooms 1 and 2 and from the master control room. PCR1 infrastructure is fully 1+1 redundancy protected, whereas PCR 2 has single playout server and the Master Control Room is equipped with Channel-in-a-Box for playing commercials. The entire workflow is designed in such a way that it enables News India 24×7 to publish content directly to the social media network from the Newsroom itself. Full on-site training was given to News India 24/7 studio staff.

“A great strength of the system is that it imposes no barriers to late-breaking news. Stories can be added at any time or played out live. Any available source can be routed to any destination. It is really-user friendly.”

About News India 24/7

News India 24/7 ( is committed to serving the community with accurate and up-to-date information, in the interest of transparent broadcasting. Based in Jaipur, the channel broadcasts in Hindi via a digital terrestrial network and online. Equipped with a high-technology studio and advanced electronic news gathering technology, it is driven by a network of young journalists and experienced editors.


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