Add the timeless beauty of feature film quality to your production work
Ελκυστικό, εξελιγμένο και πλήρες τελευταίας τεχνολογίας και επεμβάσεων ειδικών από όλους τους τομείς παραγωγης εξοπλισμού Digital Film, η Cinema Camera της Blackmagic δίνει στο έργα σας την απαράμιλλη εικόνα του πραγματικού φιλμ!
Στην Cinema Camera της Blackmagic θα βρείτε super wide 13 stops dynamic range, μεγάλο αισθητήρα 2.5K, ενσωματωμένο SSD εγγραφέα με bandwidth για λήψη CinemaDNG RAW, ProRes και DNxHD αρχείων, ενσωματωμένη capacitive οθόνη αφής LCD για άμεση εισαγωγή δεδομένων, standard jack συνδετήρες ήχου, refrigerated sensor και πλήρη συμβατότητα με EF και ZF mount φακούς.
Blackmagic Cinema Camera features a high resolution sensor with wide dynamic range so it’s perfect for independent film, television commercials and episodic television production. DaVinci Resolve software for Mac™ and Windows™ is included so you can work at the highest quality and get the best results. Blackmagic Cinema Camera is both affordable and a complete solution because it includes a built-in recorder and monitoring, so it’s perfect for displacing video-only cameras for work such as sporting events, weddings, music videos and more!
Premium Quality Design Standard Connections
Includes DaVinci Resolve Includes UltraScope
Η ΑΜΥ, ως επίσημος διανομέας, διανέμει και υποστηρίζει τα προϊόντα και τις λύσεις της Blackmagic στην Ελλάδα και στην ευρύτερη γεωγραφική περιοχή.
Elegant, sophisticated and jam packed with the latest digital cinema technology, Blackmagic Cinema Camera gives your work that timeless feature film look! Blackmagic Cinema Camera features an amazing 2.5K image sensor with a wide 13 stops of dynamic range for a true digital film camera. You get a built-in SSD recorder, popular open standard uncompressed RAW and compressed file formats, compatibility with quality EF and ZE mount lenses, LCD touchscreen monitoring plus metadata entry, all packed into an exciting hand held design!
Blackmagic Cinema Camera features a high resolution sensor with wide dynamic range so it’s perfect for independent film, television commercials and episodic television production. DaVinci Resolve software for Mac™ and Windows™ is included so you can work at the highest quality and get the best results. Blackmagic Cinema Camera is both affordable and a complete solution because it includes a built-in recorder and monitoring, so it’s perfect for displacing video-only cameras for work such as sporting events, weddings, music videos and more!