News you should know from Adobe MAX 2011
[:el]There are a lot of exciting things happening at Adobe, and we shared some major news at Adobe MAX 2011, our annual conference for designers, developers, and business leaders. Even though you weren’t with us at MAX, we want you to be among the first to hear how Adobe is transforming the creative process across mobile devices, personal computers, and the cloud and iOS versions are on the way.
[καθώς η πολιτική της Adobe αλλάζει διαρκώς είναι αδύνατον να κρατήσουμε ενημερωμένη την σελίδα αυτή]
[:en]There are a lot of exciting things happening at Adobe, and we shared some major news at Adobe MAX 2011, our annual conference for designers, developers, and business leaders. Even though you weren’t with us at MAX, we want you to be among the first to hear how Adobe is transforming the creative process across mobile devices, personal computers, and the cloud.
[As Adobe policies continuously evolve it is nt possible to keep this page updated][:]