Huge Performance Improvements for Back-up

Huge Performance Improvements for Back-up

July 22, 2010 Broadcast & Playout News Press Releases 0

prime-cacheΗ Cache-A ολοκλήρωση μια σημαντική αναβάθμιση που προσφέρει βελτιωμένη ταχύτητα και κόλπα που θα κάνουν την ζωή σας πιο ευκολη.
First and foremost is new database code that improves all catalog operations, making them literally one hundred times faster. Customers will notice faster completion times once large archive sessions have been written to tape and, even more impressively, much speedier operations when adding new tapes to the catalog.
Another major improvement in this release is a change to the way sessions are written to tape, keeping their size to an automatic limit that balances archive and restore performance. The resulting archives on tapes made going forward will generally allow individual file restores to complete in much less time.
What else has been addressed
A host of additional improvements and fixes are included in 1.2.3 to address everything from subtle bugs to pro-cache long standing customer requests. The Cache-A share is now correctly advertised on Macs, so the top level share of the Cache-A share now appears under the name “Cache-A” instead of “vtape.” A variety of other issues have been addressed as well, including: automatically removing files that have been left behind as a result of improper shutdown or power loss; from intermittent issues with archives not always starting; and a variety of smaller issues with archiving and/or restoring files.

How to get this update

Cache-A management is very pleased to be able to offer a release with this many significant improvements and encourages all customers to get this update as soon as possible. 
 To get this update, your machine must already be at version 1.2 or later and you just need to send an email with your system serial number to [email protected] to have us schedule v1.2.3.  
If your system is at an earlier version than v1.2, first get the v1.2 update which will already be waiting under the System Tools > Software Update tab of your Cache-A user web page, then send us the email for 1.2.3.
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Cache-A engineering has completed a major new release that provides performance enhancements and fixes that customers have been waiting for. First and foremost is new database code that improves all catalog operations, making them literally one hundred times faster. Customers will notice faster completion times once large archive sessions have been written to tape and, even more impressively, much speedier operations when adding new tapes to the catalog.

Another major improvement in this release is a change to the way sessions are written to tape, keeping their size to an automatic limit that balances archive and restore performance. The resulting archives on tapes made going forward will generally allow individual file restores to complete in much less time.

What else has been addressed

A host of additional improvements and fixes are included in 1.2.3 to address everything from subtle bugs to long standing customer requests. The Cache-A share is now correctly advertised on Macs, so the top level share of the Cache-A share now appears under the name “Cache-A” instead of “vtape.” A variety of other issues have been addressed as well, including: automatically removing files that have been left behind as a result of improper shutdown or power loss; from intermittent issues with archives not always starting; and a variety of smaller issues with archiving and/or restoring files.

How to get this update

Cache-A management is very pleased to be able to offer a release with this many significant improvements and encourages all customers to get this update as soon as possible. 

 To get this update, your machine must already be at version 1.2 or later and you just need to send an email with your system serial number to [email protected] to have us schedule v1.2.3.  

If your system is at an earlier version than v1.2, first get the v1.2 update which will already be waiting under the System Tools > Software Update tab of your Cache-A user web page, then send us the email for 1.2.3.


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