Harris debuted new Inscriber TitleOne XT CG

[:el]Κατά τη διάρκεια της ΝΑΒ Show 2010 έγινε η παρουσίαση του νέου broadcast συστήματος γραφικών και λύσεων workflow Ιnscriber της Harris συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του Inscriber TitleOne XT CG.
Διαθέσιμο σαν μόνο SD ή SD/HD, το turnkey σύστημα Τitle-One XT προσφέρει λειτουργικότητα CG, ενσωματωμένο sequencer, animations, υποστήριξη video clip και αυτοματοποιημένο έλεγχο. Στο βασικό πακέτο περιλαμβάνονται το Strata Compositing (για multilayer graphics) και τα τρία επιπλέον buffer layers overlay persistent objects (τα αντικείμενα παραμένουν εμφανή κατά τη διάρκεια αλλαγών σελίδων της CG)
The company also introduced the G5 XT, a production graphics system designed for news and sports production. Available as a single- or dual-channel CG, the G5 XT offers a new hardware platform and many enhanced features, such as standard SD and HD processing, video capture, 3-D animation and dedicated processing for each output channel. Harris also unveiled the G-Flow Titler tool, which allows easy integration of Inscriber graphics, including both 2-D and 3-D animated titles, into nonlinear editing suites, such as Harris Velocity, Avid Media Composer and Apple Final Cut Pro.[:en]Harris debuted new Inscriber broadcast graphics systems and workflow solutions at the 2010 NAB Show, including the Inscriber TitleOne XT CG.
Available as an SD-only or SD/HD-switchable solution, the turnkey TitleOne XT system offers CG functionality, integrated sequencer, animation, video clip support and automation control. Included as standard are Strata Compositing (for multilayer graphics) and overlay persistent objects (objects remain visible during page changes).
The company also introduced the G5 XT, a production graphics system designed for news and sports production. Available as a single- or dual-channel CG, the G5 XT offers a new hardware platform and many enhanced features, such as standard SD and HD processing, video capture, 3-D animation and dedicated processing for each output channel.
Harris also unveiled the G-Flow Titler tool, which allows easy integration of Inscriber graphics, including both 2-D and 3-D animated titles, into nonlinear editing suites, such as Harris Velocity, Avid Media Composer and Apple Final Cut Pro.[:]